Satan's WorldPolesotechnic League Book 4【電子書籍】[ Poul Anderson ]
<p>There were three of them - Adzel who measured four and a half metres and resembled a dragon, Chee Lan who was furry, catlike and female, and David Falkayn, a dare-devil rakehell from space.</p> <p>When they learned of a rogue planet two hundred and four light-years from Sol, they were interested because the planet, a nightmare of ice and darkness, was rich in minerals. And the planet was about to melt - to move closer to a sun and release the vast wealth entombed in its depths.</p> <p>And Falkayn, Chee Lan and Adzel were prepared to risk the horrors of an erupting, melting world if they could only salvage the riches that would shortly boil from the planet's core...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:606円
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SOTEC 関連ツイート
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 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄@larnneire_bot 2020/01/29 17:55
@DJ_ALUCARD_13 2020/01/29 10:12
@mahiru36247 SOTECなROME03のことですかな?
@mo_san0729 2020/01/24 23:46
Windows98PCは99800円のソーテックPCだった。好きな曲をかき集めたCD-R作成のためだけに使ってたのでHDD6.3GBの所だけにものすごく惹かれて買ったのよ。 あるものを動かす時にPCの能力の限界を思い知ったけど(w
@TYPE74RX_T 2020/01/29 18:58
RT @larutan0430: 今どきのPC好きさんはSOTECを知らない説
@y_choro1 2020/01/23 21:33
SOTEC懐かしい。ずっとPowerBookだったのに、小さなWindowsのノートが欲しくなってこれ買った事があった。 2020/01/23 21:51