Suggestion 関連ツイート
My suggestion was not taken up(私の提案は取り上げられなかった)@toefljibunyo 2020/01/30 00:06
RT @AdblG3T4yIG8x3r: RT
本気で買い取ってほしい。 2020/01/28 07:36
concur(動)同意見である The other members of the committee concurred with Ms. Clark’s suggestion.
@TOEIC86746566 2020/01/28 12:48
RT @FCyborger: @UNICEF @icao Why ICAO blocked so many ppl they just gave some suggestion??? Did ICAO hired Chinese dude to manage their Twi…
@saipakhootw 2020/01/28 15:34
@Self_suggestion 褒め…られ…???wwwこの調子(?)で突き進んでゆきます(?)???✨🕺✨
@Y_yurina_Y 2020/01/28 10:20
RT @FCyborger: @UNICEF @icao Why ICAO blocked so many ppl they just gave some suggestion??? Did ICAO hired Chinese dude to manage their Twi…
@btx7812 2020/01/29 19:20